Saturday, August 24, 2013

"Big Girl, Little Girl" - To Be Re-Released Summer 2014

Update:  As of Friday, March 28, 2014 - 2:30 PM EST

In recent weeks, I have received a great number of requests for the book "Big Girl Little Girl", a title that I retired a few months ago.

Lady Intelligence will be re-releasing this content in 2015.

Thank you so much for your interest in Lady Intelligence and looking forward to continuing the dialogue about matters that matter.


The Following Was Originally Published - 8/24/2013 - 12:59 PM EST on Lady Intelligence - The Blog.

When I wrote "Big Girl Little Girl", I was in a season of extreme anger, guilt, fear, and worry.

There was much to deal with at the time, medical care treatments for myself and other family members (yes, plural), job losses (yep, plural again), and constant financial restructure.

The anger was there mostly because there were many missteps that I took where I wish I had either been taught better or at least recognized better approaches before the missteps were made.  Since I have two daughters, I became extremely fearful that they would follow in my footsteps while missing out or totally ignoring wonderful and stable (as stable as can be in life) opportunities.

I went on this fast and furious trip to write the book to give to my daughters and also to share with all females to spare them from unnecessary heartache and headache.

In that fast and furious trip, I wrote with the anger and candor that was in my mind.  At the time, most profane words were in my everyday dialogue and I wrote exactly how I spoke.

I didn't realize it until just now while composing this post, but "Big Girl Little Girl" was published on August 24 in 2012.  Exactly one year ago from the date of this announcement.

A lot has changed in just one year.

I stopped cussing, I'm no longer angry, and I no longer operate under the influence of fear, commercialism, worry, or desperation - just to name a few.

Although, the content of the book is priceless, the language in which the content is presented has actually become disturbing for me as the author.  Like it was written by a stranger.

Since the publication of "Big Girl Little Girl", I have begun the manuscripts for three other books.  Publication for these books are envisioned for late 2013/early 2014.  One of the books is a comprehensive informational book geared toward the business industry.  Another is a story about four women who have never met but whose lives are intertwined due to decisions that they have made.  The third one - is a surprise!

"Big Girl Little Girl" may be rewritten eventually.  The rewrite will definitely contain updated information and the introduction of new pertinent information due to multiple consumer trend changes - but this time coming from a perspective of hope, faith, and encouragement.

This was a very difficult decision to make because it was like giving up a baby. However, it is a decision that I am now ecstatic that I have made. It's funny, but I am also grateful that "Big Girl Little Girl" did not achieve mass sales in which I had originally hoped.   But what I have personally achieved is exponential invaluable growth as an individual in various aspects and the language in "Big Girl Little Girl" could have possibly caused a branding that would be in conflict of the messages in future publications.

This is indeed a lesson of being thankful that things did not go through as originally desired. 

For all who have a copy of "Big Girl Little Girl," it is now a collector's item - still covered under copyright law though.  :)

I look forward and now I feel liberated to publishing the other manuscripts under the Lady Intelligence, Ltd. imprint which will be introduced in e-book format to make it easier for all to obtain a copy quickly and at a lower cost in addition to the option of purchasing a paperback copy.

My mission has always been to take what I've learned, gone through, and observed from other case studies to share whatever is needed to help another female obtain a better outcome when it comes to men, money, medicine, health, wealth, and wellness.  Life enrichment information comes from not just success stories but also from difficult learning lessons encountered by others.

Stay tuned to Lady Intelligence Live! as excerpts from "Big Girl Little Girl" are oftentimes shared as well as on Lady Intelligence - The Blog

Join the Lady Intelligence Connection to receive announcements about the upcoming book releases!!

Thank you...

...and I'm excited

Nicol T
Author and Lady Intelligence Live! Internet Radio Talk Show Host

Originally Published - 8/24/2013 - 12:59 PM EST on Lady Intelligence - The Blog.

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