Sunday, August 10, 2014

Right Where

This past week, I had the awesome experience to be an extra on the film set for an upcoming Lifetime movie starring some of Hollywood's and the music industry's best. Two of them I have admired, have gone to seen in concert (one of them), follow, and have both of their work in my current playlist. 

We were told to find a seat on the set.  I found an open seat near the back of the room. Once I got settled, I looked around and saw that many were sitting in the front toward where it would be assumed it will be much action. Then, I started looking at where I was and started second-guessing my seat choice. I began looking up towards the front of the room to see if there was somewhere where I could fit in.

I took a deep breath and told myself to be happy where I was sitting at a table by myself. I was blessed just to be in the room. After we rehearsed what we were supposed to do for the first scene, it was time to bring the principals in.

Who came and stood right next to me? 

Eve. One of the two principals that I admire. 

The other principal whom I absolutely love?  Who I listen to and sing with to warm my vocals for a production? Who I stood next to during a scene break?  Jill Scott. 

No.  Did not speak with them.  Just exchanged smile and presence acknowledgment.  We were instructed not to do so.  Learned the lesson of obedience...the day before.

That was my lesson for the day on being happy, content, satisfied, and trusting on where I am. 

A lesson through eternity. 

Exactly where I am supposed to be. 

(written while chilling outside after waiting on a no-show to view a property, enjoying the wonderful, sunny, early Sunday morning air, the birds singing, and grooving to Case's "Happily Ever After" blasting from the van parked at a neighboring home)


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