Saturday, June 29, 2013

Practicing What I Preach

June 27 was National HIV Testing Day and on that day and any other day that's about HIV/AIDS awareness, I preach about the need to get tested.  I preach about the need for potential lovers to get tested together so that they begin on the same page.  As part of the Get To Know Him Better Awareness Campaign, I preach that HIV testing is a major component in getting to know about someone with whom you are entertaining cultivating an intimate relationship.

Well, today I attended a Pride Festival.  If you don't know what a Pride Festival is, it's an event that celebrates the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) culture.  Although I am a woman that is strictly d**kly, I respect the viewpoints and lifestyles of others (judge not, lest ye be judged).   With a forecast of scattered thunderstorms throughout the whole day, not one drop of rain fell on the festival grounds. It couldn't have been a more beautiful summer day for music, dancing, conversation, fellowship, contests and giveaways at every booth, and education.

And you know what?  I saw maybe four police officers the entire six hours I was there.  If heterosexuals could get together for an event with peace, love, and acceptance in their heart, it would truly be a beautiful world.  I'm just saying.

Well, as soon as I entered the area, there was the city public health RV giving out free gift cards for taking a free HIV test.

Whoa!!! Just like I preach on Lady Intelligence Live, it's easy to get an HIV test - at the free clinic, at community events, at home, and/or through the city public health department.

However, getting an HIV test is a daunting task even if one is doubtful that they are infected.  But there's nothing like knowing for sure.

So, after getting the blood test and then later an oral test, I am thankful that both tests were negative.

I can continue to preach.  I've had the practice.


Got a Blood Pressure check too.  Keeping it real with Simple Health and Wellness.

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