Monday, January 7, 2013

Alzheimer's recently reported that recording artist Bobby Womack told a Britain music station that his doctor informed him that he had signs of Alzheimer’s.  This story hit home for a number of reasons.

One, Bobby Womack is one of my favorite singers.  Two, Womack was a favorite of my father’s as well.  Three, he hails from my hometown. Four, my father was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s a decade ago and after much suffering passed away a year ago this month.

In this particular article, they posted a list of likely early clinical symptoms of Alzheimer’s.  The disease can progress rapidly or it can be a long, suffering, painful, and debilitating progression.

If a person has been diagnosed with symptoms of Alzheimer’s or another dementia progressing disease, the following are suggestions to keep in mind:

1.  Seek legal advice and obtain the following:
  • Last Will and Testament
  • Power of Attorney
  • Living Will
  • Power of Attorney Healthcare Directive
2.  Get all credit and loan accounts in order.  It’s a good idea to get disability insurance and credit life insurance for individuals who are over the age of 65 while in good health.  If a disability occurs or if the person passes away, the bills should be paid in full by the insurance in place.

3.  Maintain vision and dental appointments.  It’s a good idea to keep up vision and dental appointments because as the disease progresses, it may become difficult to get the patient to these types of appointments let alone for them to be able to communicate and respond appropriately while being seen.

4.  Keep driver’s license or state ID up-to-date.  Some institutions may need this information to process certain transactions before the Power of Attorney is established on record.

5.  Take advantage of home health care and/or hospice when offered.  These types of programs are helpful to keep the family member home and comfortable for as long as possible.  These types of programs also offer assistance with hospital and bedding supplies and equipment that can be of great assistance to the family financially.  Some of these programs incorporate other therapies such as massage, spiritual, physical and so on which help to keep the family and their family member in good spirits and keeps the family member mobile for as long as possible.


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