Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Life Resolutions - 2014 and Beyond

In December 2012, I conducted a thorough examination and inventory of what and whom I had allowed to take my mind, time, energy, and spirit.  My blood pressure was sky high, I was in the middle of livelihood transitions, and other personal matters weighed upon immediate and needed decisions and actions.  From that inventory, I developed my New Life Resolutions and on this last day in December of 2013, I can declare that those resolutions remained intact the entire year.

What I discovered is that although New Life Resolutions and New Year Resolutions commence the same way, the approach is rather different.

With New Year Resolutions, the goals are stamped with an expiration date - 12/31 of that year.  New Year Resolutions are somewhat superficial - not just in appearance, but in lack of depth with little regard for next step.  New Year Resolutions are great for planning goals.  New Year Resolutions can be easily abandoned.

What I found with New Life Resolutions is that they have meat - substance.  There are no expiration dates or short term visionary planning.  The depth encompasses more than losing weight, changing careers, or making more money.  The core of New Life Resolutions is the awakening to what really counts beyond status quo with intense focus on the very one who is creating the New Life Resolution...beyond the tradition and definitely with no regard to any surrounding opinions.

A person can be no good to anyone else unless they are the absolute best to themselves 
- thus the foundation of a New Life Resolution.


The archive of the following broadcast is no longer available.  Be sure to follow Lady Intelligence Live at:  http://www.blogtalkradio.com/ladyintelligencelive.rss.

Tune in to Lady Intelligence Live on Saturday, January 4 at 11:00 AM EST as we discuss crafting your own New Life Resolutions that will withstand the challenges of maintenance and will grow as you evolve.

In preparation for this broadcast, prepare a list of the areas in your life that you would like to see vastly improved.  Have pen and paper in hand.

The listen in line is 718.766.4403.